Weekly Dose Post #321

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more… Joke of the Week: A rope walked into a restaurant and ordered a milkshake. The waiter said “Are you a rope?” The rope said “Yes.” The waiter said “We don’t serve ropes.” So, the rope went out and burnt off […]

Cuteness Alert Dimples Included

Do you hear the sound of a siren? It is to alert you of all the cuteness coming your way… My sister (Monica) had professional photos of her two-year-old son (Omari) taken! What a dapper little man… Look at those dimples… Cuteness Overload Complete!

Weekly Dose Post #275

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more…   Joke of the Week: As an old man was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him, “Herman, I just heard on the news that there’s a car going the […]

Bootlegger Business Card

     One night a guy loitering outside asked me if I wanted to buy some movies. After declining he told me if I ever wanted some give him a call. Then he handed me this:       Does he not realize that his bootlegging activities are illegal? This is a surefire way to get caught. […]

Weekly Dose Post #101

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more… Joke of the Week: A blind man enters a “Ladies Bar” by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, “Hey, you wanna hear […]

Weekly Dose Post #17

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more… Joke of the Week: Fred saved up his allowance money for a few weeks and decided to treat himself to some chocolate for always doing his chores. So off to the candy store he went.  “You should give that money to charity,” […]