Weekly Dose Post #332

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for moreā€¦ Joke of the Week: Why is the longest human nose on record only eleven inches long? Because if it were twelve inches long, it would be a foot! Weird Fact of the Week: The Quokka is the happiest animal on […]

Good Morning Beloved #461

There are millions of things wrong in this world but billions of things that are right. Today’s Affirmation: I will focus on what is right in this world. Basking in that positive frame of mind. I’ll do whatever I can to help turn wrongs into rights.

Good Morning Beloved #460

Inspiration will open doors of opportunities you never knew were possible. There’s an array of things in this world that connects us all to amazing opportunities and possibilities. A simple phone call, email, web search, or coffee date has the power to open up doors you could not have planned for in your wildest dreams. […]

Good Morning Beloved #459

No matter where you are in your life, you will always be able to come up with an excuse to wait. Don’t. You may want to wait until you have more money, experience, time, courage, or when you are smaller, wiser, healthier or more mentally prepared, but the truth is there is no “perfect” time […]

Good Morning Beloved #457

You have a gift and it is meant to be used, given, and shared in this life. Use it, gift it, apply it, but whatever you do, don’t waste it. Life is too precious to leave your dreams undone. Stop questioning if you are good enough, special enough, or gifted enough to do it. You […]

Weekly Dose Post #331

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for moreā€¦ Joke of the Week: Mr. Yellow lives in the yellow house. Mr. Green lives in the green house. Mr. Brown lives in the brown house. Mr. Blue lives in the blue house. Who lives in the white house? The President […]

Good Morning Beloved #453

No matter what the situation always respond in a beautiful manner. Today’s Affirmation: It takes time and patience to grow as an individual. I will make small changes rather than trying to instantly be a whole new me.

Good Morning Beloved #452

You don’t have to know the “how”, the “when” or the “why” right now. Just trust that you will know the steps to take when the time is right and I promise you will be amazed at the resources, time, money, and contacts that arrive exactly when you need them. Today’s Affirmation: I see mistakes […]

Good Morning Beloved #451

Your intuition is your inner GPS and when you are tapped into it, it will guide you along your path almost effortlessly. The formula? Do what feels good and right and perfect… for YOU. Today’s Affirmation: I will get to know my own strengths and good qualities and use them.

Weekly Dose Post #330

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for moreā€¦ Joke of the Week: What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta! Weird Fact of the Week: 84% of fatal drowning victims are reported as not wearing a life jacket. Even if you’re a strong swimmer you should always […]

Good Morning Beloved #446

You are supported always, 100% of the time. There are people, friends, coaches, mentors, and others that will encourage and uplift you when you need it. Today’s Affirmation: I will not ever be perfect because I am a human being and I’m okay with that.