Good Morning Beloved #446

You are supported always, 100% of the time. There are people, friends, coaches, mentors, and others that will encourage and uplift you when you need it. Today’s Affirmation: I will not ever be perfect because I am a human being and I’m okay with that.

Weekly Dose Post #315

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more…   Joke of the Week: Thomas is 32 years old and he is still single. One day a friend asked, “Why aren’t you married? Can’t you find a woman who will be a good wife?” Thomas replied, “Actually, I’ve found […]

Weekly Dose Post #303

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more…   Joke of the Week: A doctor answers his phone and hears the familiar voice of a colleague on the other end of the line. “We need a fourth for poker,” said the friend. “I’ll be right over,” whispered the […]

Good Morning Beloved #175

Self-Help for Skeptics 1. Call a friend and ask to help her. It should take your mind off yourself. 2. Calmly tell yourself, ‘Stop’, when you have negative thoughts. 3. Every night, list the good things that happened and the bad hings. The good list should be longer, the bad list should be shorter. 4. […]

Best Regards Lerry

I sent an email to my platonic friend and ended it with what I thought was Best Regards, Kerry. My friend replied Dear Lerry, to poke fun at me. I guess that’s what I get for not proofreading prior to pushing send. On the computer keyboard the letters K & L are next to each […]

Good Morning Beloved #35

Friends are the flowers in the garden of life, they help you through times of trouble and strife. There’s nothing like friends to make a heart sing, true friends will share with you most everything. They will not abandon you in times of need, they aren’t overcome by envy or greed. Friends are the icing […]

Weekly Dose Post #173

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more… Joke of the Week: When Joe’s wife ran away with his car, his money and his best friend, he got so depressed that his doctor sent him to see a psychiatrist. Joe told the psychiatrist his troubles and said, “Life […]

I Tilt My Head Back and Forth!!

Pat had me cracking up because he was imitating the way I tilt my head when posing for the camera. My sister Astede also pointed out that I am always tilting my head in photos. I started laughing again just looking at these pics before typing this blog post. This tickles me because it’s actually […]

Pointless Bullying

The bullying in schools is getting out of hand. I graduated from H.S. in the late 90’s so cyber-bullying wasn’t something my peers had to deal with. I didn’t even own a cell phone just a pager. Remember when pay phones were all over the place? Now you seldom see them & chances are when you do it’s “out […]

Weekly Dose Post #22

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for more… Joke of the Week: A friend and I were standing in line at a fast-food restaurant, waiting to place our order. There was a big sign posted. “No bills larger than $20 will be accepted.” The woman in front of […]

Every Woman Should

“A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to… A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE …. something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour… A WOMAN […]