Horizontal & Vertical Demos

Most pictures I take are with the intentions of putting them up on my website. That is why so many are horizontal. I rarely take vertical pictures but to switch things up a bit I’ll start adding a few vertical ones from time to time. The thumbnail gallery will still remain the same (horizontal). I just […]

Weekly Dose Post #83

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Remember to check back EVERY Monday for more… Joke of the Week: Mujibar was trying to get a job in India. The Personnel Manager said, “Mujibar, you have passed all the tests except one. Unless you pass it you cannot qualify for this job.” Mujibar said, […]

L♥ve is kind – No, seriously it is!

Some people use the phrases “love sucks” or “love hurts” but what actually hurts is when your relationship or friendship falls apart. I have had my heart broken before so I know a thing or two about failed relationships. Just remember it’s the cheating, lying, abuse, neglect, et cetera, that hurts NOT the LOVE itself. […]

Church Mice

I found another adorable website it’s called:       Aside from the cartoons there are other interesting things including the “Weekly Sermon” which I enjoy reading. Karl Zorowski the guy behind this nice site is a pastor and cartoonist. He makes serving God fun.