Good Morning Beloved #429

We shared smiles… We wiped tears and through the years our friendship has grown along with us… You are truly a wonderful part of my life. Today’s Affirmation: Having a positive mood allows me to have a positive impact on other people’s lives.

Weekly Dose Post #327

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for moreā€¦ Joke of the Week: I am a five letter word. Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I […]

Weeping Willow Tree and Me

These beautiful trees are found through North America, Europe and Asia. My sponsor child wrote a handwritten letter asking for some pictures. So I printed out a few and put them inside her Thanksgiving card. I’m actually holding Carolina’s 2015 World Vision progress report photo in my hand as a sweet surprise. Quick Tip: When […]

Good Morning Beloved #423

It’s okay to be sad sometimes. Hope you feel better soon!!! Today’s Affirmation: I may feel sad at some points in my life but I will quickly bounce back, to experience more happiness than sadness during my lifetime.

Weekly Dose Post #326

This is stuff I found while browsing the net. Check back every Monday for moreā€¦ Joke of the Week: Maryā€™s father has 5 daughters ā€“ Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? If you answered Nunu, you are wrong. Itā€™s Mary! Weird Fact of the Week: Patricia Bays Haroski had a great […]

Happy 59th Birthday Mom

Ā  Ā  Ā I am so blessed to have my mother in my life. I often reflect on all theĀ sacrificesĀ she’s made. To earn more moneyĀ my mother worked two jobs at a time to keep food on the table and pay bills. There were obstacles I witnessed my mother overcome. She survived cancer, endured a broken arm, […]